Website Design FAQ

Do I really need a website?

It’s hard to say for certain but in this increasingly internet based world most businesses are expected to have a web presence, if you are not on the web than you are probably not realizing the full potential of your business.

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Can’t I just do it myself?

Yes you can but even with the latest DIY packages you are going to have to put a lot of time in to your site and do some things that you probably don’t understand too well. You will still have to set up your URL, link it to a server, choose a basic (and not particularly professional) template from the DIY host service and then add and edit all the content.

Isn’t it expensive to have a website built?

Well it can be! But not with us! We provide excellent value for money. You would probably find that if you added up the time you would spend on a DIY package that it would cost you more money to do it yourself

Don’t web designers lock clients out of sites they control?

Yes some designers want you to be dependent on them for life with expensive maintenance contracts. We will never lock you out of your site, it is yours and you can do whatever you like with it after we complete it.

Can I maintain my site myself?

Yes, probably! This will depend upon the amount of free time you have and your technical ability. Don’t forget that we can train you in site maintenance and you can have ad-hoc support from us any time you need it. No contracts!

Why not have us make a free demo page for you?

Not convinced?

Just click here and fill in the contact form with some basic information about your site content and we will make you a demo page completely free of charge and with absolutely no obligation. When your page is ready we will e-mail you a link so that you can view it on the web. Simple

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